A story of infertility, treatment, pregnancy complications, and the future.

My story is not a typical one but it is not entirely unique either. It has taken me many years to share my story because as you will find it contains stories of pain and hardship with a silver lining to the cloud. Many of my friends and family have encouraged me to tell this story so that it may help others who relate to all or part of it. Part of my hesitation comes from wanting my story to give families that can relate hope but fear that some may gain false hope based on my story because as I said it is not typical. I know how it feels to scour the internet for any and all information that might give me the answer I was looking for. It is my intent that this story will be read from the beginning to the end.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

In The Beginning...

The best place to start my story is at the beginning. When my husband and I got married we thought it would be great to start a family right away.
We went to see a doctor to see about having children and it was at this point that we found out that because I always have had irregular periods something was obviously wrong. It was either going to be really difficult for us to conceive or maybe not at all. We were young and decided that maybe this just wasn't in the cards for us. We did not have insurance or the money to pursue it at the time and so we would move on with life unfortunately childless. Fast forward six years and a lot had changed including getting insurance that covered fertility treatments. After many long conversations my husband and I decided we would at least have testing done to find out what was wrong or maybe at least we would have a final answer. In May of that year I had a full panel of blood work done and went for an ultrasound of my ovaries. The test results showed that I have Polycycstic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a condition in which a woman has an imbalance of a female sex hormones. This may lead to menstrual cycle changes, cysts in the ovaries, trouble getting pregnant, and other health changes At this point I was referred to a fertility specialist and this is where you might say the story gets interesting.

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