Once all the essential tests were done I returned to the doctor to get started to finally try to get pregnant. In November I had my period induced once again and got my prescription for Clomid and Ovidrel. When the time came I began taking one pill of Clomid and coping with the side effects which for me including severe mood swings and insane hot flashes. My hot flashes were so bad I remember one night sleeping with the window open and a fan on with snow blowing in on me. On day 12 of my cycle I went in for a transvaginal ultrasound.
This was done in order to verify if the Clomid dose was high enough to produce an egg. The ultrasound showed that I had a nearly matured egg which was fantastic news. The doctor felt that this was a good response and that I would likely get pregnant very soon because it was a low dose and it worked the first time. I set up an appointment for two days later to check on the maturity of egg. When I returned two days later for another transvaginal ultrasound and the egg had fully matured and it was time to make sure that I ovulated by taking the Ovidrel shot and then going to have my blood draw a week later to confirm ovulation.
That night I took the shot and hoped for the best that our efforts would be rewarded. Excited and nervous we entered what many people trying to conceive would refer to as the two week wait (the time it takes between ovulation and when you would either get your period or not). As you can assume my period came and we knew that I was not pregnant. We called the doctor to find out where we go from here and we were given a new prescription for Clomid and Ovidrel and instructed to follow the same instructions as we had the month before minus the ultrasounds and continue until we become pregnant. I took the Clomid and suffered through the side effects once again and on day fourteen took my Ovidrel shot and went in for the blood test a week later. The blood test showed that I had not ovulated and that I would need to have my period induced in order to try again. On the third cycle I would start coming in for the ultrasounds again just to make sure that the previous month was not just a fluke of some kind. When I went in for the appointment there were no eggs. Since I had not produced an egg again I was instructed to increase my dosage of Clomid to two pills and return for ultrasounds during this cycle. I took the pills and returned to the doctor. The ultrasound showed that on the two pills I had produced a nearly mature egg and as before I returned two days later verified the egg was mature and took my shot. I ovulated but did not become pregnant in this round either and went into the next cycle taking the two pills and returning for the ultrasounds. This ultrasound showed no eggs had formed again. I was increased to three pills for the April cycle and the same pattern followed. Naturally I was increased to four pills in June with the same results. The doctor explained to me that the patchy results we had been getting for the nine months were likely from my body building a tolerance to Clomid really quickly and that a new approach would need to be taken.
A story of infertility, treatment, pregnancy complications, and the future.
My story is not a typical one but it is not entirely unique either. It has taken me many years to share my story because as you will find it contains stories of pain and hardship with a silver lining to the cloud. Many of my friends and family have encouraged me to tell this story so that it may help others who relate to all or part of it. Part of my hesitation comes from wanting my story to give families that can relate hope but fear that some may gain false hope based on my story because as I said it is not typical. I know how it feels to scour the internet for any and all information that might give me the answer I was looking for. It is my intent that this story will be read from the beginning to the end.
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